Monday, January 15, 2018

Highlights from the Last Two Months

Editor's Note:  I have been terrible about getting Jackson's blog updated.  Here are a few highlights from the last two months. 
Thabo's Baptism 

Birthday Celebration

Our District with our Zone Leaders (Mafikeng)

Thanksgiving Turkey


An activity we had recently

November 13, 2017 - January 15, 2018
I have had a good week, me and Elder Flood still get along.  All in all I am doing great. I am actually starting to enjoy opposition/challenges.  Elder Flood is probably going to leave in a few weeks. I take it I will replace the current group in Bots when they come out. That being said I might finish my mission there. BUT, you never know when it comes to transfers... 

We had to travel to Bots on Monday so I didn't get to email. Had a good week this week. A lot of our investigators left Mafikeng because they were students going home for the Holiday. We will now work with less actives and members. Wish us luck. Zone  Conference was yesterday it was good. I am glad to hear all the updates. We get transfer news Saturday night so I will update you on Monday. 

We found a turkey for Thanksgiving and I doctored it up and cooked it and it was actually really good! I was proud of myself.  I got transferred. I am going back to Mamelodi..... I will be a Zone Leader in the Pretoria Zone. It should be interesting... My companion is on his last transfer so I hope he is still motivated. 

We have 14 missionaries in our Zone and I am in the EXACT same area... It is cool to hear about the stake changes. It will be interesting to come home to. My package got here, it is the Christmas one so I am going to wait to open it. My companion's  name is Elder M., he is From Bloemfontein in Free State Africa. He is a really good guy. 

The week is good, December is SLOW in Mamelodi, church attendance drops and people don't have time for missionaries but its all good. We turn our focus to less actives these times so we have a plan. After emailing we are headed to Witbank for exchanges, it should be fun.

Exchanges were good, It was nice to get a change of scenery... The Elders out there are doing good. I owe them a cake because they tripled  their people on date for baptism this week. I don't know how I'll get it to them now that I think about it... 
My Zone is 14 strong, they are all good guys. The members remember me other just a few.

Just wanted to tell you all that I am doing good. My new companion is Elder R. from the US. He is a really good guy. The district is losing an area, me and Elder R. will be adopting it, it will keep us busy which is good.  I am excited for the coming transfer. We are looking forward to some baptisms which should be nice. 

The hakey sack you sent in my Christmas package is a total hit! Last transfers practically all the missionaries were playing in a huge circle! It was pretty cool. This week as Zone Leaders we met with the Stake President.  It was very productive. We planned a reactivation activity in Mamelodi 2nd ward (not the ward I am in) because it is a dying ward. It is going to be a branch soon. I hope we get to reactivate some priesthood holders. We also have to visit a group in Bronkenspread, it is a city that doesn't have missionaries in our Zone. Hopefully next Sunday to see if we can open the area. 

Love you all,

Elder Voyles